NFT Element fire 01

An original series of digital image tokens by Šárka Vildová from the Element series.

Limited edition now available for purchase by clicking on selected NFTs below.



Middle (12ks)

Small (120ks)



For each physically painted original, we decided to create only 1 Original NFT in the same size as the actual painting, 12 Middle NFTs in the size of 1/3 of the original, and 120 Small NFTs in the size of 1/9 of the original.

Collectors and investors can now also purchase our works in digital form, which brings many advantages in the future. Smaller versions of our works can be an advantage for those of you for whom the price of the original would otherwise be unaffordable.

You can find more information and benefits about the project to digitize our works, the upcoming virtual gallery, and entry into the metaverse in our “Road map”.
